Freelance Work

Dell Million Dollar Club


The Dell Million Dollar club was a design I worked on for Softchoice.

Softchoice is a technology reseller and service provider and they wanted to run a program for their sellers to incent them to consistently sell Dell technology over the course of a year. They had the vision that it would be an exclusive ‘club’ for individuals that sold a total of $1 M in revenue. Access to the club would include various awards like money, recognition and invitations to private dinners with executives.

I was asked to develop a logo that would represent the exclusiveness of this new program.

This design was the final design.

The Key - representing the exclusive access to something only those with the key would receive
Gold colour - re-enforcing the feeling of opulence and prestige
Font - Clean and simple font of the ‘million dollar club’ so the branding is clear and the logo is the focus

This program was launched at Softchoice in 2017 and has been running as a successful program ever since.




The Catherine Wheel