Midori - Productivity Application

Midori is an application meant to help users realize their goals and build healthy habits through gardening.

Through three different iterations, my team and I conducted various user tests, prototypes, and had our visual brand evolve exponentially to create a final product that we would be able to present.



My team and I researched various self-help and gardening applications looking for what did and didn’t work within them. Brainstorming and developing visual mood boards and wireframes based on our findings.

We mapped out the architecture of the application and began the process with analog sketching.


Low Fidelity Wireframes

We digitized our sketches and created low fidelity wireframes to work out the information architecture of each page.


High Fidelity Wireframes

We added fidelity to our wireframes with imagery and brand colours made throughout our iterations.

Throughout the process, we continued to change and iterate the pages until they felt right.


The Prototype

The final prototype helps display the calming nature of gardening while also having a clear pathing for the user to navigate the application and input their goals.

View the full prototype here
